ON WISDOM – Episode 006: Wisdom, Class & Inequality

The On Wisdom podcast features a social-cognitive scientist in Toronto and an educator in London discussing the latest empirical science regarding the nature of wisdom. Igor Grossmann runs the Wisdom & Culture Lab at the University of Waterloo in Canada. Charles Cassidy runs the Evidence-Based Wisdom project in London, UK. The podcast thrives on a diet of freewheeling conversation on wisdom and decision-making, and includes regular guests spots with leading behavioural scientists from the field of wisdom research and beyond. Welcome to The On Wisdom Podcast.



If a typical white family in the US has 100 dollars, how many dollars does a typical black US family have? Wrong!

Why are we so bad at guessing levels of inequality in society?

How much of a role does your class play in preventing wise decision-making?

Are upper and middle-class people especially bad at taking wise decisions?

Why does more education equate to less wise reasoning in interpersonal affairs?

And just how good are we at spotting someone’s class from their shoes or even eyes?


Assistant professor of Organisational Behaviour from Yale University’s School of Management Michael Kraus joins Igor and Charles to tease economic fact from fiction, discussing accuracy of class signalling, implications of new marshmallow-based research, woeful underestimations of inequality, and the roots of our convenient blindness. Igor breaks down surprising research suggesting that we should both pay more attention to how working class people approach interpersonal clashes and be wary of disruptive hipster beards, Michael forces us to look at the dark underbelly of the American dream, and Charles has questions about Jay-Z and the validity of cockney impersonations as a measurement tool. Welcome to Episode 6.

Click here to listen to ‘Episode 6: Wisdom, Class & Inequality’ in full

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You can contact me at charles@evidencebasedwisdom.com, via the about page or find me on twitter @EBasedwisdom. You can also contact me through the On Wisdom site here.
