ON WISDOM Podcast – Episode 26: Wicked Problems (with Judith Glück)

The On Wisdom podcast features a social-cognitive scientist in Toronto and an educator in London discussing the latest empirical science regarding the nature of wisdom. Igor Grossmann runs the Wisdom & Culture Lab at the University of Waterloo in Canada. Charles Cassidy runs the Evidence-Based Wisdom project in London, UK. The podcast thrives on a diet of freewheeling conversation on wisdom and decision-making, and includes regular guests spots with leading behavioural scientists from the field of wisdom research and beyond. Welcome to The On Wisdom Podcast.


Bad things happen to all of us. But why do some people grow wiser, while others simply grow bitter?

What do scientists do to reliably measure wisdom in the laboratory?

And might this research suggest solutions to some of the most pressing problems of our time?

Professor of Developmental Psychology at Alpen-Adria University Klagenfurt and one of today’s leading wisdom scientists Judith Glück joins Igor and Charles to discuss the MORE Model of Life Experience, different ways of reflecting on personal experiences, collaborative doctors, compassionate teachers, and pervasive foolishness across the entire political spectrum. Igor ponders potential paths to wiser politics in the face of the world’s uncertainties, Judith reminds us that our choice of confidants is critical if we are to extract wisdom from challenging experiences, and Charles is surprised to learn that neither the left nor the right has a monopoly on championing unwise leaders.

Welcome to Episode 26.

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