ON WISDOM Podcast – Episode 27: The Wisdom of a Modern Elder (with Chip Conley)

The On Wisdom podcast features a social-cognitive scientist in Toronto and an educator in London discussing the latest empirical science regarding the nature of wisdom. Igor Grossmann runs the Wisdom & Culture Lab at the University of Waterloo in Canada. Charles Cassidy runs the Evidence-Based Wisdom project in London, UK. The podcast thrives on a diet of freewheeling conversation on wisdom and decision-making, and includes regular guests spots with leading behavioural scientists from the field of wisdom research and beyond. Welcome to The On Wisdom Podcast.


Though there is a lot of talk about diversity in the workplace, “age diversity” is often overlooked.

Might there even be an emerging mission-critical role for wise elders in the world’s most cutting-edge tech companies?

Hospitality maverick and Airbnb Strategic Advisor Chip Conley joins Igor and Charles to discuss the U-Curve of happiness, the surprises and challenges of mentoring billionaire CEOs and State Governors, the potential of intergenerational housing, the emergence of a new generation of wisdom workers, and his new project to build the world’s first midlife wisdom school – The Modern Elder Academy. Igor seeks new solutions for the stressed ‘sandwich generation’, Chip highlights the importance of curiosity at work and how mentoring and interning often go hand-in-hand, and Charles picks Chip’s brain on how to make wisdom more hip and sexy.

Welcome to Episode 27.

Click here to listen to ‘Episode 27: The Wisdom of a Modern Elder (with Chip Conley)’ in full.

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You can get in contact at charles@evidencebasedwisdom.com, via the about page or find me on twitter @EBasedwisdom. You can also contact us through the On Wisdom site here or find us on twitter @onwisdompodcast.